Qoppa Software, a leading producer of PDF software, announces version 2019 of PDF Studio, their powerful, intuitive PDF Editor for Windows, macOS and Linux. This new version delivers integration with Docusign and Cloud Storage Services to help users manage, store and sign electronic documents, as well as user accessibility tools to create PDF/UA compliant documents.
PDF Studio 2019 adds many new exciting features, including:
- Cloud Storage Integrations: Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive
- Docusign® Integration
- Creation of Accessible Tagged PDFs (PDF/UA)
- Split Document View
- Improved PDF Overlay Comparison (Now Vector Export!)
- Fix Scan Tool
- Sanitize Tool
Two new major integration features in this version will help users track, store and manage their PDF documents and reduce paper use, at work or at home. They are available on all platforms (Windows, macOS and Linux), not only in Qoppa’s PDF editing application, PDF Studio, but also in Qoppa’s free PDF reader, PDF Studio Viewer.
PDF Studio 2019 is fully integrated with popular document storage systems, Dropbox, Google Drive and One Drive, allowing users to browse, load and save documents from and to the cloud, in the same easy way as they access files on their local file system.
The Docusign integration makes it easy to manage legal agreements that require third party signatures, such as invoices, leases, work orders or rental contracts. Documents and forms are created and customized in our PDF editing application, then sent seamlessly to Docusign, through the integrated interface, where they can be populated with signatures fields, and sent off for signing. The integrated document workflow will no doubt save valuable time and effort in the daily routine of many business professionals and contractors.
User accessibility features were added in version 2019, allowing users to create accessible tagged PDFs, by exploring, verifying, creating and editing tags in a document. The accessibility tags are attached to the different objects present in the content of a PDF, such as headings, images, paragraphs and tables. They are designed to help accessibility software, such as screen readers, understand the document structure and present the information accurately to readers with disabilities. PDF/UA standard is the PDF sub-format that defines these tags.
The new Split Document View allows to view or inspect the content of two non continuous PDF pages in a long and complex PDF document at once. It is useful when users need to refer to one part of a document, while reading another. There are options to split the view vertically or horizontally, and to copy the zoom level from one view to the other.
The already powerful Overlay Comparison feature was enhanced this cycle, allowing to compare 2 or more PDF documents by changing their color then overlaying them, in such a way that identical content is shown in gray and differences are highlighted in different colors. This feature is especially useful for architects and engineers to visually identify even small differences in architectural drawing and blue prints. The new automatic alignment and scaling tool makes it easy to precisely superimpose documents coming from different sources and having disparate offset, scale, or even rotation. For performance and accuracy, the exported comparison document is now vector based, with all overlaid documents saved in separate layers, that can be turned on and off with a click.
Fix Scan comes with various functions to clean up scanned documents, including a deskewing function to straighten pages, an OCR function to recognize and add searchable text, and finally an optimize function to reduce the size of the images, and improve image resolution and compression algorithm.
PDF Studio 2019 includes many other improvements, such as a sanitize tool, search and markup, search & redact, ability to customize quick access toolbar with favorite tools, merge and flatten layers. See the full list of new features.
Version 2019 delivers integration with Docusign & Document Storage Services
to help users manage, store and sign electronic documents,
as well as user accessibility tools to create PDF/UA compliant documents.
Download PDF Studio 2019
About Qoppa Software:
Qoppa Software produces cross-platform PDF software for end-users, developers and integrators. Our PDF tools and libraries cover every aspect of PDF processes and help automate document workflows. Qoppa Software was founded in 2002 and is located in Atlanta, GA.
