Atlanta, GA May 4, 2012 – Qoppa Software, a leading provider of PDF solutions, is pleased to announce the new release of PDF Automation Server 3.2 with expanded Word to PDF conversion, including support for conversion of Word files with the .docx extension (MS Word 2007 and above) to PDF.
This unique product, based on Qoppa’s proprietary PDF technology, automates the receiving, processing, and routing of files on Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix (Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX), and any other Java enabled platform.
PDF Automation Server (PAS) now supports conversion of .docx files as well as complex document elements such as document metadata (title, keywords, subject and title); paragraph shading and borders; justified lists; tables borders and justified text; graphical shapes (lines, rectangle and elliptical shapes); additional image types; and different headers and footers on different pages.
“To support converting .docx Word files to PDF, Qoppa had to develop a whole new rendering engine, the new Word 2007 format being so different from the previous format. This new rendering engine was first delivered in our Java library jWordConvert, then built into our desktop tool PDF Studio. We’re happy today to release this capability in our PDF Automation Server workflow solution. ” says Gerald Holmann, President of Qoppa Software.
The new release of PAS also incorporates all the enhancements that Qoppa has released in its Java PDF rendering and manipulation engine since the last major PAS update.
PDF Automation Server is a reliable and affordable system to automate PDF workflows. PAS accepts incoming files of multiple types from local and network folders, email, or ftp servers. Based on preset criteria, PAS then performs a wide range of manipulations, including assembly, conversion, printing, stamping, digital signing, security management, preflight checking, and much more. Once changed, both the original files and the output files can be routed to a range of destinations.
About Qoppa Software:
Qoppa Software specializes in the development of high-end libraries and applications to work with PDF documents. Qoppa Software offers a suite of products that cover every aspect of PDF processes and integrate seamlessly into document workflows, including end-user, server and PDF library products. Qoppa’s products are carefully designed and developed to provide the highest level of performance and reliability.
