v2017R1 summer release of Qoppa’s Java PDF library suite adds improvements to PDF manipulation, PDF optimizer, electronic signatures and preflight features.
Qoppa’s advanced Java PDF Optimizer Library reduces significantly the file size of PDF documents by removing unused objects, compressing images and streams. The optimizer engine was improved with a PDF audit feature, that analyzes the sizes of all the different objects contained in a PDF document, and with an optimizer result report that outputs a log of all optimization functions performed. Object streams in a PDF document can be compressed allowing to shrink file size even more.
A new public API was added to Qoppa’s Manipulation Library to easily Resize PDF Pages programmatically, offering advanced options to set the new paper size and to position, scale and rotate the original page in the new page.
The PDF OCR function was enhanced to allow deskewing scanned images before performing OCR as well as discarding any invisible text which might have been added in previous OCR runs.
Qoppa’s PDF signing technology was enhanced to support PadES digital signatures introduced in the latest PDF 2.0 specifications. These signatures are compliant with the European eIDAS regulation.
Additional PDF/A validation profiles (PDF/A-1a and PDF/A-2u) were added to jPDFPreflight, Qoppa’s PDF/A validation conversion library. In addition to standard PDF fonts, system fonts can also be embedded during PDF/A conversion.
Qoppa’s v2017R1 PDF library suite is compatible with Java 1.6, Java 1.7 and Java 1.8.
For more details about all the enhancements and fixes added in this release, please visit the links below:
Full Release Notes for Qoppa’s Java PDF Libraries 2017R1
About Qoppa Software:
Qoppa Software specializes in Java PDF Toolkits for developers to integrate into their own Java or web applications. Qoppa Software also offers a fully-featured PDF Editor, a PDF Processing Server, a Web PDF Viewer, and an Android PDF SDK. All Qoppa’s PDF solutions are developed on Qoppa’s own robust PDF technology, are cross-platform and work on any operating system supporting Java, including Windows, Mac, Linux and Unix.
