Tag Archives: convert

Qoppa Releases New PDF Editor Upgrade PDF Studio 2021.1.0 with the Ability to Convert PowerPoint to PDF

Qoppa Software just released the latest version of its PDF editor, PDF Studio 2021.1.0. This minor upgrade comes with an exciting, newly developed in house, proprietary function that allows users to convert PowerPoint files into a PDF. This can be very useful when users need to share a presentation with someone who does not have PowerPoint or send it in a smaller file size.

The upgrade comes with many great enhancements such as OCR languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) now included in the installer. There is an added spell check to inline editing in the comments panel. Document tagging UI improvements, Cloud drive UI improvements, and the Dropbox library has been updated to the latest version v4.0.1. You can see a complete list of enhancements that were made in this upgrade by viewing PDF Studio 2021 Change Log.

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Qoppa Software Announces PDF Studio 7, Cross-platform PDF editor, with Content Editing and Enhanced User Interface

December 20, 2011 – Qoppa Software, a leading producer of PDF software, announces a major new release of PDF Studio, their powerful, easy to use, cross-platform PDF editor.  PDF Studio 7 augments the collaboration power of PDF with new content editing capabilities, enhanced user interface, new PDF viewing options and additional PDF functionality.

“This release takes PDF Studio to the next level!  PDF Studio 7 is a full featured PDF editor, comparable to the best editors on the market but at less than a third of the price.  When you consider that PDF Studio is also cross-platform, this makes it the best choice for enterprise deployments.” says Gerald Holmann, Qoppa Software President.

PDF Studio 7 Pro lets users edit the content and manipulate the objects in a PDF document.  Users can make small modifications such as correcting typos and misspellings, changing font properties or rearranging images before final publishing.  The new Edit Content tool works with single or multiple objects, including text, images, or path objects.

Redaction, removing text from a PDF document and replacing its location with a black rectangle, is a newly available function in PDF Studio 7.  Redaction is relied on by professionals in many industries to protect confidential information within PDF documents.

PDF Studio 7 offers an improved user interface.  Users can now choose their favorite Look And Feel for the application and customize the toolbars to suit the way they work.  Professionals who need to examine small details in a PDF document will be glad for the new Loupe Tool and the ability to do a side by side comparison of two versions of a PDF with the sophisticated “double loupe tool”.

Users working on small screens, in a dark room, on an airplane, or at night, will love the new PDF Studio 7 function to invert colors when rendering a PDF document.  For typical documents, the display will change from “Black on White” to “White on Black”.

Responding to user needs, Qoppa has added the ability to email PDF documents directly from the tool.  Users may collaborate electronically and efficiently by easily sending individual PDF documents from within PDF Studio.  Those enrolled in online fax services (such as myfax.com or efax.com) will now be able to fax directly from the tool.

Conversion to PDF from Word files, image files, and text files can be done individually or in a batch.  Word to PDF conversion was enhanced in this release to include support for the latest Word format (.doc or .docx).

For more information about PDF Studio (PDF Editor for Mac, Windows, Linux) visit http://www.qoppa.com/pdfstudio or call +1 (404) 685-8733.Follow Facebooktwitterlinkedinrssyoutube