Tag Archives: J2EE

Try live demo of Qoppa’s new embeddable HTML5 PDF viewer

Embeddable PDF HTML5 Viewer - COnvert PDFs to SVG on the Server

Zero Footprint PDF HTML5 Viewer

This is exciting! We now have a live demo of Qoppa’s new HTML5 PDF viewer! It is a zero footprint, high-fidelity PDF viewer that can be integrated into any website or web application, without requiring any client-side plugin:

Try our new HTML5 PDF Viewer!

It’s not officially released yet, but it is already pretty good! Why so? Because this viewer uses what Qoppa Software is best at: Java and PDF rendering! So it is not surprising that the first version of our viewer is already superior to many HTML PDF viewers available on the market.

How does it work? PDFs documents are converted dynamically to SVG on the server, then served to any browser supporting HTML5.

PDF HTML5 Viewer, SVG preserves vector graphics.

The beauty of this new viewer is that:

  • on the client side, the viewer works everywhere, without requiring any plugin or certificate, because all platforms these days – Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, etc… – have a browser that supports  HTML5.
  • and on the server side, Qoppa’s libraries are 100% Java so any J2EE server will do (Tomcat, JBoss, Glassfish, Websphere, Weblogic), on any operating system, be it Windows, Linux or Unix.

Try HTML5 PDF Viewer Live Demo

More about our Zero Footprint HTML5 PDF Viewer

More about our Java PDF Library to Convert PDF to SVG / HTML



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